My Blog: Writing to Heal
I started blogging on in June 2016, eight months after my daughter Poppy died.
I found solace in the community (and claps) that formed around me as I shared both my grief and my growth.
When the pain was unbearably isolating, my words always kept me company.
Many years later, an award-winning author and mindset life coach for women, I was forced to reach deep again when I was diagnosed with Stage IV metastatic breast cancer at the tender age of 41.
My words helped me make sense of the cataclysmic events unfolding in my life.
Once again, I found comfort in the power of writing it all down. I hope you enjoy and find comfort in my words.
XO, Katie
Being With Emotion: A Practice in Self-compassion & Love
I started this blog in May 2016 as a way to process grief after my first daughter Poppy was stillborn. A little over a year ago, I shifted focus to include my experience of pregnancy after loss. Today, I’m blessed with a healthy baby girl…
Adjusting to Motherhood Through Tears of Joy & Sorrow
I just finished reading “Guess How Much I Love You” to Moxie twice in a row. She’s snoring softly now, face buried into my boob. She’s all clean after a bath and smelling like a sweet baby girl. Tears are drying on my cheeks.
It Takes a Village: Practicing Receiving During the Season of Giving
It’s 2:23AM. Eli is rocking Moxie next to me in bed with a bottle of warm milk and sweet encouraging words to soothe her. I’m attached to my breast pump in a somewhat desperate attempt to continue producing breast milk for our baby.
Late Night Musings from a Mother In Love
Last night while nursing my newborn daughter Moxie, I paused to acknowledge my firstborn, Poppy, stillborn 2 years ago. My muse and guide, Poppy inspires me every day.
My Rainbow Is Here To Stay
Moxie Phoenix Muir entered this world safely at 11:52am on Monday, October 9, 2017. After only 13 hours of labor, I was holding her on my chest, completely filled with the bliss of new motherhood.
Twas the Night Before Labor
It’s the night before we induce labor. Two mornings ago I woke up with a sore left rib cage. I did some gentle stretches and a little prenatal yoga I learned earlier in my pregnancy…
A New Story Is Born: Thoughts from the Cusp of Parenthood
All stories must come to an end.
My story of grief and loss is coming to an end. What two years ago felt like an impossible task, healing from my firstborn’s unexpected death, is in its final chapter.
Celebrating Life Now: Transforming Grief Into Love During Pregnancy After Loss
We are having a warm, sunny summer in the Pacific Northwest and I’m enjoying my third trimester with Baby Girl #2. I saw Wiggles, her nickname, on ultrasound this morning.
Life Beyond Grief, Celebrating One Year of Blogging and a Healthy New Pregnancy
Today is a special day for two reasons. Last year on May 31st I made my first blog post. Until that point, I shared some of my grief process on Facebook and I journaled privately on a daily basis. However, blogging publicly changed everything for me.
Is This Your First Baby?
Any woman who’s ever been pregnant can rattle off several questions frequently heard throughout pregnancy. These are my top 4…
Carrying Love in My Heart and Life in My Womb:Exploring Life and Pregnancy after Stillbirth
The last time I posted publicly, I wrote an open love letter to my husband Eli. Writing that letter, our love story, was rewarding and humbling…
Our Love Story is My Favorite of All Time, An Open Love Letter to My Husband
You asked me to marry you on a Sunday. The sun’s rays bounced off the rolling waves of the Pacific Ocean, the sky awash in pastel yellow, blue and pink. The very next day we found out I was pregnant.
Ignite! Blazing Forward Into 2017
A few weeks ago, I wrote a 5-minute speech proposal for Ignite Seattle. Now in its 10th year, Ignite is a community gathering of extra-ordinary people presenting interesting ideas and passionate stories to a live audience at Town Hall.
The Family Across the Street
There’s a big blue house directly across the street from us where a happy family of 4 lives together. During our pregnancy with Poppy, Eli and I watched with excited longing as the mother and father duo navigated life with their one year old son.
Carrying Hope
Body heavy. Bright red. Feeling empty. Feeling crampy. Not pregnant, again.
Eli and I thought we did it this month. Is there something wrong?